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Optimise Perimenopause Fitness with Pilates: Shed Belly Fat Effectively

Explore the benefits of Pilates in managing weight and improving health during perimenopause, a crucial transition for women.


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The Impact of Hormonal Changes on Weight

Key Insight:

  • Low oestrogen levels result in a redistribution of fat from the thighs to round your middle – so that even if your weight stays the same, your body shape may change.
  • You may experience changes in appetite as a result of falling oestrogen levels.

Furthermore, weight gain during this stage of life is complicated. Every woman’s reasons for weight gain are different, and we probably don’t understand all of them. Many of the reasons for weight gain you’ll see below are often interlinked. We hope this summary will help you understand the changes your body experiences as you age and help you take back control:

  • Many women need fewer calories as they go through the menopause and beyond. You can carry on eating exactly the same way as you have always done, but your weight will slowly increase
  • We gradually lose muscle mass as we gain years. Muscle burns calories, so as it disappears, our basal metabolic rate drops (this is the amount of energy or number of calories that your body needs to carry out its basic function)
  • On average, women gain around 0.5kg a year from their mid-40s

You may be feeling tired, stressed, anxious, and have low mood in the menopause. It’s the easiest thing in the world to comfort eat when you feel like this, and it’s just as easy for calories to increase without us noticing. Release of the stress hormone cortisol can also result in fat settling around your middle.

Tiredness, stress, and low mood can also decrease your motivation to exercise, which leads to weight gain. Many of us are juggling relationships, work, and our symptoms and we forget to take time to look after ourselves.


Pilates Exercises Suited for Perimenopausal Women

Pilates offers a variety of exercises that cater specifically to the needs of perimenopausal women, focusing on core strength, balance, and flexibility. Below are some tailored exercises:

  • Pelvic curls: This gentle exercise strengthens the lower back and pelvic muscles.
  • Standing roll-downs: Aids in decompressing the spine and enhancing upper body flexibility.
  • Leg circles: Helps in hip joint mobility and lower body muscle toning.

Each exercise targets areas commonly affected by hormonal changes, offering relief and increased body awareness.

Benefits of Pilates During Perimenopause

Engaging in Pilates during perimenopause is highly beneficial, not only for managing weight but also for enhancing the overall quality of life. The practice offers several key advantages:

  • Enhanced flexibility and balance, which are important during this stage, as they help reduce the risk of falls—a common concern as the body ages.
  • Improved posture, which is vital for alleviating back pain that often accompanies hormonal changes during perimenopause.
  • Increased core strength, which supports better pelvic health. This is particularly important since pelvic floor muscles can weaken during perimenopause, leading to incontinence and other issues.

These enhancements are significant as they can profoundly affect daily activities and overall wellbeing, making Pilates an exemplary form of exercise for women navigating through the challenges of perimenopause.

Integrating Pilates into Your Daily Routine

Starting Pilates can be as simple as incorporating a few exercises into your daily routine. Here are practical steps to get started:

  • Begin with beginner-friendly classes to understand the basics.
  • Set realistic goals and gradually increase the intensity of workouts.
  • Consider joining a Pilates class specifically for perimenopausal women.

Committing to regular sessions can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being.

Diet and Lifestyle Tips to Complement Pilates

While Pilates is effective in managing perimenopausal symptoms, combining it with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes can enhance its benefits:

  • The Mediterranean diet is associated with lower risks of heart disease (which can increase after menopause). A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D will also help keep bones healthy.
  • Menopause can change the way your gut functions. To figure out which foods affect you, it can be a good idea to keep a diary. Bloating can be uncomfortable, so you may decide to avoid fizzy drinks, chewing gum, and gas-inducing foods including cabbage and sprouts (but make sure you’re still getting your five fruit and veg a day).
  • Many women drink alcohol in an attempt to help them through the menopause, especially to deal with sleep and anxiety. Although it may help you feel better at the time, it’s only temporary, as alcohol acts as a depressant on the brain. In the long run, cutting down can really help you feel better and support weight loss.
  • Caffeine, alcohol, and spicy food can make hot flushes worse. Caffeine can also have a negative impact on your bladder. Some find the switch to decaffeinated tea and coffee makes a huge difference.
  • Stay hydrated – the NHS recommends drinking at least six to eight glasses of fluids daily (around 1.9 liters).
  • Ensure adequate sleep as it helps regulate hormones and recover muscles.

These practices, along with regular Pilates, create a holistic approach to managing perimenopause.

Conclusion and Further Resources

Embracing Pilates throughout the perimenopausal period can markedly alleviate the associated symptoms and support a more vibrant health regime. This form of exercise not only enhances physical flexibility and strength but also contributes to mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety that often accompanies this phase of life. For those seeking additional guidance, it is advisable to consult with fitness professionals who specialise in Pilates and have a keen understanding of women’s health issues. Collaborating with a community or pairing up with a Pilates companion can further motivate individuals and enrich their overall exercise experience. Such interactions provide valuable support and can lead to more consistent and enjoyable practice.

Reference: NHS, Menopause, NHS Choices, 2021

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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